

Connect with people in a home setting or community location for a Bible/topical book study, to pursue a special interest, or share a meal/coffee together.


Serve our community with the Love of Christ by partnering with local ministries or by meeting the needs that arise from within our church family.


Find guidance through some of life's most difficult seasons. Helping people find Biblical hope after great loss and walk in physical healing.

Groups Team

Lead a Group

We were created to be known, loved, and challenged by other believers. As Radiant continues to grow, one of the greatest challenges is to help get and keep people connected. Our ministerial needs are often best met by the faithful stewardship and investment of people just like you who are willing to lead smaller groups of people. The gift, passion, and callings in your life may be exactly what we've needed to continue increasing in joy, love, and health. We need more Bible studies, fun and educational activities, missional outreaches, accountability relationships, personal growth challenges, and much more to serve our church's wide range of emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. Would you consider either leading a group or helping host one? Apply today, and we will be happy to explain this opportunity and go on this journey with you.